
Blog 13 – Rachel

Hey there!

It’s Rachel from the Narrative Team again, it’s been a while! We were recently informed of some unfortunate news this week. The convention where we were going to showcase our game, Level Up, has been cancelled due to health concerns.  We were all disappointed by the news, but understand that there is a very good reason for the cancellation. However, we will not let that deter us and are still focusing on our goal of creating a fun game!

Our professors are looking into a way we can still showcase our game and make the most of all the work done!

Around the first week of January, our script was finalized and the work for creating the story was done! Although the story is done, the Narrative Team is still working hard on other aspects of the project. We are learning new things and have gained skills in sound and tech. I find a lot of the sound work to be really enjoyable and have been very excited to see the progress of our game in Unity.

A lot of the work we are currently doing involves cutting audio, reworking the dialogue manager, implementing the written dialogue and spoken dialogue in Unity. One of the tasks I have been really enjoying is taking notes during the voice acting recordings. It’s a lot of fun to see the voice actors work and how they take on the character. The notes help us determine which takes of the lines we think would work best for the character and what would sound best in the game.

While this project has been a lot of work, seeing the progress we are making is very rewarding. Although it is a shame we won’t be able to attend Level Up, we have gained a lot of skills and experience that all of us can use in the future. Everyone has been working so hard and I know they will all create something great!

There have been a lot of things going on in the world lately, so please stay safe and take care of yourselves! 

We hope you continue to support The Hierophant!


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